BMT (Big Merge Tracker) minimizes the sample within cluster sum of squares under an $\ell_1$ fusion constraint on the cluster centroids. The codes for implementing BMT as well as the codes for producing the numerical results in the paper can be downloaded from here.

Description of Programs:


code for table 1 of main paper; location: in folder main-paper-table-1 require: library snowfall and the other R files in the folder main-paper-table-1

main-t2.R code examples for numerical experiment scenarios in table 2 of the main paper; location: in folder main-paper-table-2 require: library NbClust, smoothmest, fpc

main-t3.R code for table 3 of main paper; location: in home directory require: datasets “48hrs-by.txt” “48hrs.txt” “cy8-1-by.txt” “cy8-1.txt” “cy8-2-by.txt” “cy8-2.txt” “cy9-1-by.txt” “cy9-1.txt” “cy9-2-by.txt” “cy9-2.txt” which can be downloaded from the DOI:

supp-t1.R code for table 1 of the supplements; location: in home directory require: library xtable

supp-t2-t3.R code for tables 2 and 3 of the supplements; location: in home directory require: library library NbClust, smoothmest

supp-t4.R code examples for numerical experiment scenarios in table 4 of the supplements; location: in folder main-paper-table-2 require: library NbClust, smoothmest, fpc

supp-t5-a.R, supp-t5-b.R, supp-t5-c.R, supp-t5-d.R code for table 5 of the supplements; location: in folder supp-table-5 require: library snow and snowfall

supp-t6.R code for table 6 of the supplements; location: in home directory

supp-t7-t8.R code for table 7 and 8 of the supplements; location: in folder main-paper-table-1 require: the other R files in the folder main-paper-table-1

supp-t9-t10.R code for tables 9 and 10 of the supplements; location: in folder supp-tables-9-10 require: library smoothmest

supp-t11-t12.R code for tables 11 and 12 of the supplements; location: in folder main-paper-table-2 require: library NbClust, smoothmest, fpc


Convex clustering via ℓ1 fusion penalization
Radchenko P., Mukherjee G. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B Stat. Methodol. (2017)