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Links to R labs
@1^[prepared by Rudy Angeles for Stats 305 @ Stanford]
@2^[prepared by Trambak Banerjee]
@3^[directly from Jared Knowles notes]
The R labs are from the following resources:
- J.J. Faraway. Practical Regression and Anova using R
- G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie, and R. Tibshirani. An introduction to statistical learning. New York: springer. 2013.
- A. Agresti. Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models, Wiley 2015.
- A. Gelman and Hill. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel Hierarchical Models, 2007.
Referencing of R-labs with Class Notes
- Module 1. Linear Regression Methods in Fixed, Moderate and High dimensions
- Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
- Estimation [R-lab 1]
- BLUE, Gauss-Markov Theorem
- Confidence Sets [R-lab 2]
- Confidence Interval for a single Linear Parametric Function (LPF)
- Confidence Regions for multiple LPFs
- Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for multiple LPFs
- Prediction Interval
- Hypothesis Testing [R-lab 2]
- Testing for the signifance of a single LPF
- Testing for the signifance of individual predictors: t-test
- ANOVA Table and testing hypothesis involving several LPFs
- Testing for the signifance of the entire model: F-test
- Variable/Model Selection [R-Lab 3]
- Forward Selection
- Backward Selection
- AIC, BIC, Cp
- Best Subset
- Cross Validation (CV)
- Penalized/Shrinkage Methods For Moderate and High dimensional problems [R-lab 3]
- Multicollinearity and VIF
- Curse of Dimensionality
- Ridge
- Lasso
- Computational complexity, path algorithms, LARS and glmnet
- Selecting the penalty parameter by CV
- Elastic Net
- Group Lasso
- Fused Lasso
- Categorical Predictors [R-lab 4]
- Least Squares in Heteroskedastic Models [R-lab 4]
- Generalized Least Squares
- Weighted Least Squares
- Quantile Regression [R-lab 4]
- M-Estimation [R-lab 4]
- Huber loss and Robustness
- Module 2. Non-Linear Regression
- Transforming the Response: Box-Cox method [R-lab 5]
- Transforming the Predictors [R-lab 5]
- Polynomial Regression
- Regression Splines
- Local Regression
- Generalized Additive Models (GAM)
- Dimension Reduction Methods
- Principal Component Regression
- Partial Least Squares
- Module 3. Generalized Linear Models (GLM)
- Popular Models [R-lab 6]
- Binary Data (Logit and Probit)
- Multinomial Response Models
- Count Data (Poisson GLM)
- Models for Contingency tables
- Connections between logistic and log-linear models
- Quasi-likelihood Models
- General framework for studying theory and methods for GLMs
- Moving Beyond Gaussianity
- Exponential Dispersion Family
- Divergence and general inference principles
- Random Effects, Correlated Responses and GLMM [R-lab 9]
- Normal Linear Mixed Model [R-lab 7]
- Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) [R-lab 8]
- High-dimensional (HD) Versions
- Module 4. Causal Inference
- Causal Inference using regression on the treatment variables [R-lab 10 A]
- Causal inference using more advanced models [R-lab 10 B]
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